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Health Tips

Like fats, not all oils are created equal. A single oil cannot be used for all of your cooking. Instead, a variety of oils should fill your pantry, each having a distinct place in the kitchen.
First, it’s best to understand the various types of fats, how they affect your heart-health, and what quantity of them you should consume on a regular basis.

Fats 101

The outdated advice to "follow a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet" to prevent heart disease is no longer popular. According to research, the type of fat you eat has a much greater impact on your health than your overall intake of fat. Saturated and trans fats elevate blood cholesterol and boost the risk of heart disease. The converse is true for two incredibly dissimilar kinds of fat, mono and polyunsaturated.

The Unhealthy Fats

Saturated Fats

The majority of saturated fats increase LDL cholesterol and total cardiovascular disease risk. Some types of saturated fat, however, have no effect on cholesterol. Stearic acid, the main fat in dark chocolate, is neutral in comparison to saturated fat, which is found in butter, whole milk, cheese, beef, and palm or coconut oil. Saturated fats are known as "bad fats" because they raise the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Trans Fatty Acids (Trans Fats)

Trans fats increase the "bad" cholesterol LDL and lower the "good" cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, which has a double-whammy effect on your chance of developing heart disease (HDL). Although some beef and dairy products naturally contain trans fats, packaged baked goods such cookies, cakes, bread, and crackers, as well as fast food, are the main dietary sources.

Trans fats were initially developed as a less expensive substitute for butter. Trans fats are created when a liquid fat undergoes a process known as hydrogenation to become a solid fat. As a result, the fat's structure shifts from being a generally healthy unsaturated fat to one that resembles saturated fat. Because hydrogenated fats provide products a longer shelf life and better consistency, many manufacturers incorporate them in their ingredients.

Healthy Fats

Because they raise cholesterol, reduce inflammation (a risk factor for heart disease), and are generally linked to a lower risk of developing heart disease, unsaturated fats are regarded as the healthiest fats. Unsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature and are mostly found in meals made from plants. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the two varieties of unsaturated fat.

Monounsaturated Fat

Considered one of the healthiest fat sources in the diet, monounsaturated fats should make up the bulk of your daily fat intake. It is best to consume monounsaturated fats as a replacement for foods high in saturated and trans fat; you will also benefit from replacing some of the refined carbohydrates in your diet with monounsaturated fats. Good sources are olive oil, canula oil, avocados, olives, most nuts (excluding walnuts) and nut butters.

Polyunsaturated Fat

There are two types of polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6. Both must be obtained from dietary sources because the body cannot manufacture them on it’s own. Research has shown that Omega-3s help prevent and even treat heart disease and stroke. These benefits include lowering triglycerides, protecting against irregular heartbeats, decreasing risk of a heart attack, and lowering blood pressure. Good sources of Omega-3s come mainly from fish, but also from flaxseeds, walnuts, canola oil, and unhydrogenated soybean oil. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines are especially good sources.

Omega-6 fatty acids also lower the risk for heart disease. Omega-6 can be found in vegetable oils like safflower, sunflower, soybean, and corn oils. Although Omega-6 fats play an important role in health, research suggests we get too much Omega-6 at the expense of Omega-3, which can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and inflammation. It’s best to try and curb your intake of Omega-6 (one easy way is to cut back on processed foods containing the above oils); and increase your intake of Omega-3, such as consuming walnuts and flaxseed on a regular basis, and including at least two meals from fatty fish each week.

Putting it Together – Quick Tips:

Focus your energy on the following strategies when it comes to fat:

Saturated fats – the fewer the better. Less than 7 percent of your daily fat calories should come from saturated fats. Eliminate whole and 2% dairy, and limit red meat and other animal protein at meals (reduced frequency, portion size, or both).

Trans fats – no redeeming value whatsoever; eliminate from the diet by avoiding foods that contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils in the ingredients list. Shortening and stick margarine also contain trans fat.

Monounsaturated fats – ramp up your intake of olives, avocados and nuts; and try and use olive oil and canola for most of your cooking and baking, respectively.

Polyunsaturated fats – you’re likely already getting too much Omega-6, so focus on increasing your intake of Omega-3 food sources like salmon and walnuts.

Cooking with Oils – Suggested List

Since all heart-healthy fats are derived primarily from plant oils, the following cooking primer relates to oils only.

As stated previously, no single oil can be used for all cooking methods. The following table emphasizes those oils that can be used for your chosen cooking method. Due to their chemical makeup, some oils are better suited for lower heat cooking than others. This is important because heating oil above it’s smoke point – the temperature at which the oil begins to smoke – produces toxic fumes and harmful free radicals (the stuff we’re trying to prevent in the first place). A good rule of thumb to follow: the more refined the oil, the higher it’s smoke point.

The table below outlines a number of common cooking oils. We’ve broken these fats into High, Medium-High, Medium or No Heat so you know which ones you can cook at what temperatures.

High Smoke Point

Best suited for searing, browning, deep-frying. Deep frying not a recommended practice where heart-health is concerned.

Cooking Oil % Mono % Poly % Sat Nutrition Notes
Almond 65 28 7
Avocado 65 18 17
Hazelnut 82 11 7
Palm 38 10 52 High in saturated fat (primarily from palmitic acid, which research indicates raises blood cholesterol). Not recommended.
Sunflower 79 7 14 Seek out high-oleic versions (which are higher in monounsaturated fat).
"Light" Olive/Refined Olive 79 8 14 The more refined the olive oil, the better the use for all-purpose cooking. “Light” olive oil only refers to it’s color, not fat or calorie composition.
Medium-High Smoke Point

Best suited for baking, oven cooking, or stir-frying

Cooking Oil % Mono % Poly % Sat Nutrition Notes
Canola 62 31 7 Contains small levels of Omega-3
Grapeseed 17 73 10 High in Omega-6, choose sparingly
Macadamia Nut 84 3 13 Bold flavor
Extra Virgin Olive 78 8 14 Best pick oil!
Peanut 48 34 18 Great for stir-frying
Medium Smoke Point

Best suited for light sautéing, sauces, and low-heat baking.

Cooking Oil % Mono % Poly % Sat Nutrition Notes
Corn 25 62 13 High in omega-6. High-oleic (monounsaturated fat) versions coming soon.
Hemp 15 75 10 Good source of Omega-3. Keep refrigerated.
Pumpkinseed 32 53 15 Contains Omega-3.
Sesame 41 44 15 Rich, nutty flavor. Keep refrigerated.
Soybean 25 60 15 High in Omega-6.
Walnut 24 67 9 Good source of Omega-3.
Coconut 6 2 92 Contains high amount of saturated fat (primarily from lauric acid, which research indicates raises blood cholesterol). Not recommended.
No Heat Oils

Best used for dressings, dips or marinades.

Cooking Oil % Mono % Poly % Sat Nutrition Notes
Flaxseed 18 75 7 Excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid, a form of omega-3. Keep refrigerated; even when refrigerated, has a short shelf-life (up to 6 weeks)
Wheat Germ 22 61 17 Rich in omega-6. Keep refrigerated.

  toasted sesame, extra virgin olive, and walnut would also serve well here.

Although choosing the right fats and right cooking method for that fat is important, proper portion control must be considered. Too much of a “good thing” is no longer healthy, so always make sure you include healthy unsaturated fats as a part of a diet rich in plant foods – fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains – and low in animal fats.

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